Second international meeting on 3MVET project in Spain, Zaragoza - Working partnership in action
The second international meeting under project 2016-1-BG01-KA202-023652 - "Innovative VET materials for the professional field of „Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy“- 3MVET took place in the period 10-12 May 2017 in Zaragoza, Spain
The meeting was hosted by the partners from ITAINNOVA - The Technological Institute of Aragon, Spain. Seven partner organizations from 4 countries participated: Raabe Bulgaria Ltd. – the Project Coordinator, Palfinger Productionstechnik EOOD - Bulgaria, Vocational High School of Mechanics and Electrotechnics "May 9" - Bulgaria, Klett MINT - Germany, Balikesir University - Turkey, Ortaköy Vocational and Technical High School - Turkey, Somorrostro Vocational Training School - Spain.
During the meeting were presented the results of the project work for the first 7 months. Each partner introduced their own-developed materials for the innovative products - the 3MVET Teachers’ Handbook and the 3MVET Mentors’ Handbook. The partners are now actively working on the development of methodological materials for teachers in vocational training in the field of 3MVET. The efforts are also focused on the provision of training materials for company mentors involved in the monitoring of the practice/ training activities in a real working environment for the professions in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy.
The working groups on the project discussed the progress of the work, the problems and the challenges in the process of developing the manuals and also planned the next stages of the project development - testing, validation and dissemination of innovative products. Particular attention was paid to the process of working with focus groups as a part of the testing phase of the developed materials.
At a special session, all participants showed the materials they had developed so far in order to disseminate the ideas and the results of the project and the events they had participated in.
Attention was also paid to the control and the evaluation of the processes and the communication on the project as a part of the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation strategy. There were specified the tasks, the activities and the expected results for the period until the next international project meeting in February 2018 in Ankara, Turkey.
The meeting showed that the project partnership is working, which is a guarantee for a successful implementation.
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