Professional Gymnasium of Mechanics and Electrotechnics “9 MAY”

Profesionalna gimnaziya po mehanoelektrotehnika "Deveti mai"

Our vocational school’s history dates back in 1970, when an independent Vocational Technical School of Mechanical Engineering was founded, to address the need for the continuing intensive development of Cherven Bryag as an industrial area to host the establishment of the factory for spare parts and its further development into a large machine-building factory-MK "9th May". Since 1975, every year, 6-7 classes have been organized to cover for the following engineering vocations: lathe miller, locksmith, mechanic, electric and gas welder, electrical equipment of industrial enterprises specialist. Since the 1976, the first classes with four-year period of training in the specialties: "Technology of Mechanical Engineering Cold Processing" and "Armoured Vehicles" have been launched.

A turning point in the biography of our school is the date 15 June 1987, when the Technical School of Mechanical Engineering was transformed into Professional School of Mechanical Electrotechnics "9th May". Alongside the traditional mechanical engineering construction skills acquisition, training starts in some new fields, such as: "Cars and trucks", "Electronics", "Refrigeration", "Technology Development of CNC Systems".

In its 40-year history, our school has offered education to over 6,000 students, with more than 30% of them progressing into HE studies in Bulgaria and abroad. Their realization as technicians, engineers, economists, educators maintain the authority of the school as high-quality education provider.

Currently, we offer to our students education in the field of "Machines and CNC Systems", where admission is carried out after completion 8th grade. The overall duration of the training is 5 years. When delivering training in this specialty, we apply progressive scientific achievements in the field of designing technological processes for machine construction, drafting of programs to develop the details in automatic mode. As a result graduates are able to design machine products and processes for machine application and use, process details and program machines, have knowledge of the console for management of machines and systems, are able to program CNC systems and produce technical documentation.

Additionally, with license № 200712547 from 05.03.2008, we have established our own Centre for Vocational Training, which entitles us to deliver and certify (provide formal accreditation) vocational training attainment and professional qualification in 10 professions/occupations: Machine Operator; Machine Mechanic (Machinery and equipment for processing of metals); Welder; Stoker; Electronic Equipment Mechanic, Transport Equipment Mechanic, Computer Systems Mechanic; Operator in Textile Production, Operator in Clothes Manifacturing; IT Specialist.

The main production activity of the enterprises located in our municipality is in the field of military industry, machinery, clothing and food industry. Even though the structure of the industry, excluding the wood processing sector, is preserved throughout the years, the general economic crisis has impacted adversely on the state of the industry: incomplete and inefficient capacity utilization, limited manufacturing capabilities, outdated equipment and technology, insufficient investment opportunities, ineffective post-privatization control, insufficient availability of markets, insufficiently developed and maintained infrastructure. A positive element in those negative statistics is the entry of foreign capital in a number of former enterprises (i.e. Austrian, Italian, German, French, Greek). Therefore, our most eminent task is to ensure that we as a VET provider, in close cooperation with the business, “develop” a skilled workforce to address the needs of the market, but to also increase young people’s employability and career prospects.

Eng. Emil Todorov - director of Vocational School of Mechanical Electrotechnics “9th May”, with 21 years of professional experience as a vocational teacher and head of the school. Mr. Todorov will not only act as the legal representative of the school, but will also be a member of the Steering Committee and lead on the overall coordination for the development of the new teaching materials.

Eng. Sasho Plucharski - assistant director. He would contribute to the development of the teaching, but also the training materials, due to his dual perspective on the vocational aspect.

Eng. Lubka Todorova - senior vocational teacher. She would also participate in the development of the core products, but would be mainly involved during the testing phase, when the new materials would be piloted in practice. Contact person.

Mr. Ivan Pechev -  an English teacher; has also vast experience in project design and translation of professional literature (with focus on “Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy“), which is an invaluable expertise to be used during the final implementation phase of the project, when the newly developed products would have to be available in the partnership languages.